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In 1865 Karl Wolf established an iron foundry in Quedlinburg. In the following years, Rudolph Leder reformed the company as a machine works. Development and production was primarily geared towards chilled cast iron for directly stressed machine parts. After 1945 the company Rudolph Leder was nationalized and the Coswig roll foundry later assigned as a branch.

The casting quality was modified in line with the times and the special spheroidal graphite manufacturing process in Quedlinburg patented by Herr H. Matlach. Scientifically based research into improving the material quality in relation to the different applications was carried out in the company's own laboratory. The core of well-qualified experts was created through the company's apprenticeship scheme. A new foundry building and investment in CNC turning centers in the 80's was one of the prerequisites for the company's survival after 1990.

The branch became a corporate entity on 6.1.1990. The business shares were retained in their entirety by the Berlin Privatization Agency.


Under a management buyout, the shares were purchased from the Agency by H. Schilling and B. Kahlenberg and the company Walzengiesserei & Hartgusswerk Quedlinburg GmbH was privatized on the 1.1.1993. This provided the opportunity to sustain the specialized production of Quedlinburg's oldest manufacturing plant and challenge worldwide competition.

The roll foundry staff had confidence in their own abilities, their experience and they're unswerving determination to secure their own existence and to develop new markets. Under the stewardship of the privatization agency, investment had been made in a modern medium-frequency induction melting furnace and, after privatization, primarily in CNC machinery for the turning process. The targeted further development of the casting quality to 10 quality brands with a total of 70 material qualities for respective applications, came about in close cooperation with the customers and guarantees a high level of reliability and economy. With experience and expertise through 5 generations, Quedlingburg's roll experts have created the foundation for know-how and innovation for the future.

Precision and quality have opened up a worldwide market in which the rolls and wear-resistant cast products have proven themselves in all sectors of industry.

Our numerous customers throughout the country and the whole world are as ever provided with high quality products - an acknowledgement of the achievements of the team of Quedlinburg roll founders.